Thursday, September 22, 2016

live a little

I think that life is about having fun.  You have to test yourself, go outside your comfort zone, do something daring.  I know it sounds a little cliche, but you really do only live once.  I think with fun and adventure you also have to relax and have mental check ups.  This photo is so relaxing to me.  The list below is what I look at to calm my self down and again, relax.


I don't know about you but just looking at this photo makes me want to backpack across Europe or visit some great place. It's also sooo relaxing to me, I don't know why!

 Here are some things I think you gotta do to relax and live a little!

Disclaimer: I do not have a direct source to credit owner of this list.

I think that sometimes we forget to give our selves just a second in the day to take a deep breathe.  Or a second to take time for yourself and not look at your phone or a screen.  I think you should follow the things on this list, but also take time for yourself.

Something that I started to do (actually I fell off, but I'm back again!)  Yoga.  I never really thought that I would enjoy doing yoga, because I'm not the most patient person, but I really like it.  I use a youtube channel/person, Adriene (channel here).  She has multiple thirty day, free programs that are fun and relaxing.

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