Previously, I have written a post on starting a winter workout routine, but I know for a fact that planning your workouts is just as hard! I use three different techniques/tips when it comes to planning work outs, and getting into habit of it.
+ plan ahead
Believe it or not, planning ahead is the way to go. Making workouts as you go along will end up hurting you in the long run, because you aren't creating a habit (which takes 21 days to form), and you can easily put it off. Making a schedule and writing it down (like I do in my Simplified Planner), makes yourself feel commited, and when you go to all that trouble you don't want to let yourself down.
+ workout in the morning or night
I am not a morning person, but honestly I'm not a night person either! As I said before, plan ahead, know if you are gong to exercise in the morning or night. It is tough planning, because work is early so exercising beforehand is even earlier and you are always tired after work. Get into a routine either morning or night, becuase that will help you create that habit.
+ stick with your plans
There is nothing worse than eating ice cream and watching netflix, when the guilt of not sticking to your plans is in your mind! Even if you're having a great time with friends, that guilt will sneak in. If your workout is just 30 minutes, and then you have your fun, that's thirty more minutes than before, and you can cross that off your daily to so list. Just do it, and enjoy it later!
see you tomorrow!
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