
Monday, January 2, 2017


2017 is here at last!  Finally!  

I don't know about you, but it's been a so-so year for me personally.  I would have liked to accomplish so many things, yet I never did or I just didn't really want to do them.  Sounding like every other person in the whole world, it's a new year, a fresh start, nothing has happened yet.  Every year I have made countless resolutions, only to feel depressed later when I fail to meet one of those goals.  I think it's time we put those to a rest, and only have one goal or word we base everything else around.  

My word is happy.

Everything I do I want to make sure that I am happy doing it. No longer will I wait to start a new year or week off, but I will start on a clean slate whenever I want. I have goals that are centered around my being happy and feel that way.  Staying fit would be a resolution, but I would always feel a bit of a drag while actually working out, now I think why I am doing it-in the long run I'll be happy with the outcome.  Why do I keep blogging?  Because in the long run I will even happier than I am now writing.

I mentioned this a little bit, but I want to add a few words of advice to those who feel down after not meeting your personal goal.  A new year is just something that people get hyped about annually (duh!), but feeling good about yourself starts when you want it.  Start today and don't make another excuse.  I am writing this on January 1st.  Today I was going to wake up early and do some yoga, but slept through nearly 25 different alarms. Hey, I was regrouping from NYE, but the point is I started off on the wrong foot, but still made time to do yoga.  Your happiness starts when you want it to.


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