
Thursday, July 28, 2016

smoothie bowl

If you are following more than one blogger on any social media network you will know that one of the latest trends in right now are smoothie bowls. Smoothie bowls are smoothies with a thicker consistency due to the dairy product being the base.  I use either milk or yogurt.  I don't like how thick greek yogurt is by itself, but I know it's benefits are really good, so I throw that in the smoothie bowl so I don't taste it.

What does my smoothie bowl consist of ?

1-2 cups of strawberries

1 banana

small handful of blueberries (optional)

1/2 cup granola

3/4 of oats

small handful of kale

1 tbsp honey

1 cup of greek yogurt

I didn't add any seeds or extra "super food" ingredients for two reasons.  One, they are expensive, for example using chia seeds in just a few recipes will lead to costing some $$.  Two, if you have healthy and good ingredients already in your smoothie bowl, they aren't really necessary.

The smoothie bowl was my breakfast before my workout and my drink was ice water.  I decided about a month ago that I wasn't going to drink milk or orange juice as my drink in the morning.  Orange juice is NOT healthy, and it is completely filled with sugar.  Drinking/eating too much dairy in the morning will give you day a slow start, because there's already a lot of dairy in your smoothie bowl.

I hydrate with my sip x swell bottle, which I love and can't wait to post my review on it soon!!
Here are more patterns for the water bottle.


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